The Lakemba Community Garden was established in 2011 in partnership with Canterbury City Council and offers residents the opportunity to grow vegetables and herbs in the company of other residents. The Lakemba Community Garden is located in Jubilee Reserve on the corner of Railway Pde and Bellevue Ave, Lakemba.
The Garden is a space where local residents can grow their own vegetables and contribute toward sustainable living in Sydney. It is also a place to meet other locals, make new friends, get some exercise and fresh air, learn new skills and build on your gardening knowledge.
A total of 29 plots are available in large and small sizes and the Garden also includes a communal herb spiral built by the Gardeners and other communal planting areas.
Plot holders must be residents of the Canterbury Bankstown Local Government Area and priority will be given to those living in Lakemba within a 750 metre square radius of the garden and who do not have access to their own garden.
Eligible Residents pay a fee every six months and must commit to maintaining their plot and participating in at least two working bees each year.
The Lakemba Community Garden also provides a space for training and community activities. We offer regular workshops for gardeners to build skills and knowledge on topics such as natural pest management, composting, companion planting, gardening in small spaces, to name a few topics! Details of upcoming workshops can be found on our events page or in our current Newsletter.
Plot Holders of the Garden also come together each month for a Working Bee where the routine tasks involved in caring for and maintaining the shared spaces in the garden are undertaken. It is also a great time to meet other Plot Holders, share stories, seeds and produce. Working Bees are usually held on a Thursday or Saturday each month with times and dates variable depending on the season ... check our current Newsletter for dates and times.
For more information about the Lakemba Community Garden or to apply for a plot, please contact Kate Maclean at Canterbury City Community Centre on 9750 9344 or email [email protected]